Our range
Natural Shades
The Natural Shades have a neutral tonal direction to optimise intense shine and to assist with white hair blending.
Warm Shades
Soft golden natural tones that highlight shine and reflect light for the most delicate warm hues.
True cool tonal directions capable of a multitude of uses. Fashion colouring, neutralisation, white hair blending, male colouring services and pastel toning. It is one of the most versatile colour collections as it can be added to any of then other shades to add an element of coolness.
Fashion Shades
When used on natural or pre-lightened hair expect vibrancy, especially from a natural depth of a 6 or higher with these intense fashion colours. From Violet to Red to Copper these can be used alone or intermixed with other shades to enhance and customise your colour options.
Our uniquely developed blonde pastel shades positioned at the depth of a 9 are designed to enable you to create unique blondes with soft pastel tonal direction. Add tone, gloss, colour and shine in a very controlled application without the fear of over toning or dropping the colour to a darker depth. Specifically designed blonde shades offer a variation in tone which is perfect for multi toning or zone toning. Blondes have never been easier or more dimensional.

How to: 11 step in-salon application guide

Use the ELEVEN Australia COLOUR Chart to consult with your salon client. Prepare your client for the service with the ELEVEN Australia COLOUR Cape.
Wash the hair with ELEVEN Australia DEEP CLEAN SHAMPOO. Towel Dry the hair and remove excess water.
Comb through hair using the ELEVEN Australia COLOUR Wide Tooth Comb, and turban wrap the hair.
Apply ELEVEN Australia COLOUR POROSITY EQUALISER SPRAY, focusing on the more porous areas of the hair and comb through.
Using scales add equal parts (1:1) of the selected ELEVEN Australia COLOUR shade and the ELEVEN Australia COLOUR Activator 2% (7vol) or 4% (13vol).
Apply using either the ELEVEN Australia COLOUR Weighted Bowl and Brush or the ELEVEN Australia COLOUR Applicator Bottle.
Timing is gauged on the type of colour service and desired result. Depending on hair texture, condition, and porosity, development time may vary from 5 - 35 mins, therefore is based on visual assessment.
Wash hair with ELEVEN Australia REPAIR MY HAIR NOURISHING SHAMPOO. Rinse thoroughly until the water runs clear, leaving no colour residue on the scalp. Do not use conditioner.
STEP 10:
Towel dry the hair. Apply ELEVEN Australia COLOUR - COLOUR LOCK SPRAY. Do not rinse. Comb the hair through with the ELEVEN Australia COLOUR Wide Tooth Comb.
Want to carry ELEVEN Australia in your salon?
Whether you want to stock ELEVEN Australia hair care products or you just want to know a bit more about the range, we’re happy to help!
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You still have a question or need more information?
You can ask a question to DiGi in the chat, send a message to our experts or download or technical guide.